
VIP Service and Distributor pricing

Hang My TV Membership


  • Your choice of Hero Installation Service
  • 20% off return visits
  • Access to a monthly catalogue of wholesale pricing for electronics and home accessories. 
  • Access to Group Buy promotions. 
  • Smart Home Consultation


Choose Your Hero.

Have your TV professionally installed plus get our Smart Home Consulation package included. Or chose another one of our Hero Packages that fit your need. Join our membership and receive huge discounts on electronics and home items not available to the direct public. You will also receive an additional 20% off any of the return visits we make to install or service your home. 

Group Buy

As part of the membership you will be entitled to make submissions to the group buy group for ideas. The group buy is simple a large order is made with a manufacturer and the savings are passed directly onto those in the group. Not every item works for volume pricing, but we work hard to find products you will love. 

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