Hang My TV Media Panel Set Up

Is your Home wiring a mess?

Unlabeled? Unidentifable? Unterminated?

We can help. Simple labeled and configured home network certified.

A wiring plan designed for your home.

Connect Your Home.

Your home was built with many wires left to be connected.

These wires serve as the veins of the communication systems in your home. From the wifi to the televisions on your wall.

Each home is unique and presents itself with equally unique challenges. Being able to understand the wiring and being able to connect them reliably should not be one. Many times service providers will only connect the necessary wires that are needed to make their service functional. Many wires may be left coiled or in a mess. If you want to connect a device in the future you must call for a service call or find another vendor.

How we can help.

We can provide a simple customized solution that will address the root of your Smart Home Woes.

Our Media Panel Build Included

  • Up to 12 Cat 6 Terminations
  • Up to 12 Coax Terminations
  • Coax Ground Block
  • MOCA Filter
  • Labeling
  • Custom Bright IDEAs Report for your home

*Additional services maybe required to terminate the in room outlets. Don’t worry we can help you all the way. If you are in the planning stages of your build, schedule a consult appointment and we can help you make informed decisions and provide you with a Customer Build Plan for Smart Home Ideas.




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