Social Media for Seniors


Social Media for Seniors

This course is designed to introduce seniors to the world of social media, helping them stay connected with friends, family, and the latest news. Through hands-on learning, participants will gain the skills and knowledge to confidently navigate popular social media platforms and harness their full potential. Ok

Introduction to Social Media

  • a. Overview of social media platforms
  • b. Importance of staying connected in the digital age
  • c. Basic terminology and concepts

Setting Up Your Accounts

  • a. Creating accounts on popular platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • b. Understanding privacy settings
  • c. Customizing your profile and adding a profile picture

Connecting with Friends and Family

  • a. Finding and adding friends or followers
  • b. Organizing friends into lists or groups
  • c. Engaging in conversations and sending private messages

Sharing Content and Interacting Online

  • a. Posting status updates, photos, and videos
  • b. Liking, commenting on, and sharing others’ posts
  • c. Using hashtags, mentions, and tagging

Discovering and Following Pages and Groups

  • a. Finding and liking pages of interest
  • b. Joining and participating in groups
  • c. Following news and updates from favorite brands or organizations

Exploring Additional Platforms

  • a. Introduction to YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn
  • b. Creating and customizing accounts on these platforms
  • c. Tips for using these platforms effectively

Online Safety and Privacy

  • a. Protecting personal information
  • b. Identifying and avoiding scams
  • c. Reporting inappropriate content or behavior

Social Media Etiquette

  • a. Appropriate online behavior and communication
  • b. Respecting others’ privacy
  • c. Handling disagreements and negative comments

Staying Informed and Engaged

  • a. Using social media for news and current events
  • b. Participating in online communities and discussions
  • c. Continuing to learn and adapt to new features and platforms

Course Recap and Q&A

  • a. Review of key concepts and skills
  • b. Addressing any remaining questions
  • c. Encouragement to continue exploring social media and staying connected

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